Office view

Posted by: ashmoore

Office view - 14/09/2003 10:33

After reading Bitts post, I thought it would be interesting to see what everyone else gets at work. I didn't think it was too appropriate to post it in the same thread, so.....
Here is the view of of my office window on a nice sunny day.
Posted by: ashmoore

Re: Office view - 14/09/2003 11:01

I forgot to point out that, although the view in the picture is sunny etc etc. Today, it is raining so hard you cannot see a thing, combine that with the fact that I am working on server upgrades and it is Sunday makes it not so great
Posted by: trs24

Re: Office view - 14/09/2003 11:50

Ahhhh Austin. God, I miss that place.
Posted by: Dignan

Re: Office view - 14/09/2003 12:13

If I were still working, I'd show you a picture out of my cubicle, through the office across the hall, through his window overlooking an alley and a lovely black building on the other side. Sometimes I tried to guess whether the sun was still out or not. Fun stuff.
Posted by: Daria

Re: Office view - 14/09/2003 12:23

I should try to get into my old office to take a picture out that window, and post it and the picture out my new office window at the same time.

I hate my employers for a multitude of reasons.
Posted by: RobotCaleb

Re: Office view - 14/09/2003 13:50

at least you guys have windows. im not sure theres a single winow in my entire building
Posted by: g_attrill

Re: Office view - 14/09/2003 13:55

This is probably a typical view from my office at sunny Fareham, UK.

Since that photo was taken we have actually moved down the office block (actually an old school building) so we are about 20ft from the motorway embankment. It's fun trying to speak on the phone in the summer when a ferry in Portsmouth has just emptied it's lorry decks!

Posted by: Daria

Re: Office view - 14/09/2003 14:39

It wasn't until we moved to the 2nd floor that I got a window. Of course, we have a lot more window offices since we moved up there.
Posted by: rjlov

Re: Office view - 15/09/2003 03:01

This is what I had (at night, fairly obviously) until earlier this year. Then the multinat shut down our local R&D branch.

Posted by: JaBZ

Re: Office view - 15/09/2003 06:13

hmm that looks like a ANZ tower... an aussie
Gidday neighbour
Posted by: ninti

Re: Office view - 15/09/2003 13:40

Here is the view from the roof of my building out on downtown L.A. I am actually one floor below it, but the view is almost the same. Not the best picture in the world, but it is an interesting view.

Posted by: DWallach

Re: Office view - 15/09/2003 16:34

I'm quite happy with this view. You're looking at the "engineering quad" on campus. What you might think is a bell tower is actually a smoke stack for our power co-generation plant. Don't ask me why we have such a thing now.

Posted by: Dignan

Re: Office view - 15/09/2003 16:39

Yeah, my school has a plant like that (thought not so tall a stack). It's a pottery building now.
Posted by: JBjorgen

Re: Office view - 15/09/2003 16:51

hmm...seems like it would come in handy during a large regional blackout...hey...wait a minute...
Posted by: oliver

Re: Office view - 15/09/2003 21:38

Here are some pictures i took about a year ago. From the top of the tallest building in syracuse (24ish floors). Careful, fullsize images are 1600x1200
Set 1
Set 2
Posted by: RobotCaleb

Re: Office view - 15/09/2003 22:57

with outdoor skating rinks that are not ponds are they frozen manually or just cause its cold out? or is it a pond and i cant tell?
the only outdoor ones ive ever experienced were ponds and frozen cause its cold out. now, indoor rinks ive been on are manually frozen. just curious.
Posted by: mlord

Re: Office view - 16/09/2003 07:34

Here's my "office" view.

Posted by: ShadowMan

Re: Office view - 16/09/2003 11:52

Here's mine...

Below the house on the left is where I usually play on my WaveRunner and sometimes on my dirt bike. To the right of that is the school who provides us with internet service via dial-up to get access to that big dish on their roof. The school is where my girl works. Looking through the ropes on the flagpole you can see my house in the distance.

To make the best of it we've had the warmest weather of the year since Saturday. Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday before that we had to keep the heat on in the house to keep warm. These past four days have seen temperatures in excess of 30 degrees celsius. During the summer our hottest days might have hit 25-27.

Oh, and we have no A/C at work.
Posted by: Tim

Re: Office view - 16/09/2003 12:38

We aren't allowed to bring cameras into the plant (security reasons). My window looks out over the Superstition Mountains to the west. The sunrises we get are phenomenal. To the north is Red Mountain, and from here it looks bigger than life. Its a great view out my window, pity I can't share it with anybody.
Posted by: JeffS

Re: Office view - 16/09/2003 12:51

My office overlooks the back wall of the "Wild Zebra", a "gentelman's club" that offers free steak lunches on certain days of the week (according to the sign, of course).
Posted by: Tim

Re: Office view - 16/09/2003 13:55

Nice. When my company first moved here, I guess they spent a lot of Friday lunches at one of those establishments. Fringe benefit of working closely with the Army I guess.
Posted by: JeffS

Re: Office view - 16/09/2003 14:06

Fringe benefit of working closely with the Army I guess.
Yup, I'm in an Army building too!
Posted by: johnmcd3

Re: Office view - 17/09/2003 01:54

We aren't allowed to bring cameras into the plant (security reasons).
Yeah, same with my summer job.

I wish I had a picture though.... Imagine a sea of several hundred small cubicles with uniform, artificial light and that will be very close.

Posted by: johnmcd3

Re: Office view - 17/09/2003 02:03

My office overlooks the back wall of the "Wild Zebra"
Ha! I knew you were in San Antonio before I looked at your profile.

Various high school sports teams from my school in Houston used to stay right down the highway from there in the "Hawthorne Inn and Suites" or whatever it's called now.

Not that we would have known anything about that.

Posted by: Daria

Re: Office view - 03/03/2004 14:16

Well, in any case, here's the views of my new (current) office. The cooler at the bottom of the second shot is because I brought ice cream from Penn State to give to my cow orkers today.

Edit: resized images, now links to the large versions, which I left so you can see subtle details like out the windows, what's hanging up...

(fullsize version)

(fullsize version)