I figured I'd start this thread since the Garmin GPS thread is a bit full.
Well thanks to that thread, I own a Garmin GPS V now and have gone on a few geocache hunts. It's been a ton of fun so far, and I've gotten 2 friends really hooked on the hunt. So far, I've done 3 completly, and am currently working on a multicache. Unfortunatly the last point is in the Pike National Forest, so I'll have to wait on it. The first 3 were all pretty easy, just the general go here and find it. This multicache one was a bit harder. The first point was a coordinate tag hidden very well if you don't look around carefully. The second one was in braille, so we wrote it down and headed to an ATM

I've been taking my digital camera with me, and plan on posting pics whenever I finish a cache. It can be seen here:
I hope to hit a few more this weekend with a friend or two. Might take a trip up north to see ones located around Denver. The wildfire situation right now sucks due to the amount of caches inaccessable, but it should still make for a fun fall activity.