Of course.
Right now I'd recommend ATI's RADEON 9000Pro for people wanting the most bang for the buck. If you want the absolute BEST (top of the line, fastest, nothing can touch it) card, then you can buy the RADEON 9700Pro next week. Or for higher-end use, the FireGL X1.
I still haven't used multiple monitors under Windows. Well, I did have 2K set up briefly when I first installed it... The last I had heard was that XP Home didn't allow multimonitor or that it allowed only a single desktop. I should get the skinny on that tomorrow. I'll post back here with the official word.
Using our Hydravision software you should be able to address the displays in both ways mentioned here. The funny thing right now is that I'd love support on the Mac for a single large desktop. Mac OS has never worked that way and even Mac OS X has no concept of using both displays as a single screen (this is useful for certain configurations/applications).
BTW, most of my time recently has been spent on researching Digicams.

I ended up buying the new Nikon E5700 if anyone's curious.