OK then. I am sorry. I didn't think making the few attachments were harmful, in the sense of them actually hurting the BBS, and ditto with the BOT. But if it makes things any better then I apologize. No, I didn't think it was a big deal and I still don't, but it obviously is to you guys, so I am sorry.

For anyone interested in how it works, it opens up, say you have it set to 3, 3 random threads from an internal list. Then it picks a random number of sentences, say from 1 to 8, then for each of those sentences it picks a random sentence format. I only had made 3 different formats so far. For example: plural noun + plural verb + propositional phrase + plural noun. So it would pick a random plural noun from a list in the program, a random verb appropiate for plural nouns, and random propositional phrase, and then another random plural noun. So you might get something like "dogs eat with empegs." You could make lists for every type of word - singular nouns, articles, gerands, whatever. And you could make very complex sentence srtuctures. Anyways, then it would write the sentences to the corresponding text box on each reply page, then it would change the value 'replyto' to 'eb replies to noone' and the preview value to 0 then it would submit them. That's it. You had to open it up every time you wanted to make your 3 random posts. If you wanted to have it automatically post, then you'd have to add some code that makes it reply at a certain time of day and leave it open all the time.

Anyways, I attached (don't worry, it's not too big, I don't think it'll crash the BBS) a program that'll change the reply message for you if anyone is interested.

102581-changereply.hta (397 downloads)