I'm not trying to take business away from any board members here who are selling bags, but I thought everyone should know of a good deal when it comes around. I have found a small general use canvas bag which I can get about 50 of that fits our Empeg/Rio players perfectly. It has a nice insulated and padded liner that appears to be waterproof (much like the inside of a soft style lunch box), a zippered main opening that accomodates the player easily and dosen't leave much room to move around (remember it's also padded) and a zippered side pocket perfect for the Rio accessories (AC adapter, RCA cables, USB cable, Headphones, etc... at least thats what I put in mine). Additionally, it has a small handle to make it easy to carry and also includes a shoulder strap which can be cliped on and off easily. They are available in Blue and Red and I could sell them for $20 shipped (international may be more). In my opinion, this is a steal for a bag that would appear to be made specifically for our players. FYI

If you are interested in a bag, contact me at - [email protected]

click here to see the rioBag

104506-DCP_1875.jpg (469 downloads)

Edited by erikbragg (18/07/2002 12:06)