I'm fit to be tied after 15 years of using Windows. My new "ultimate" Dell Windows XP Pro system is a nightmare of gremlin problems, OS reinstalls, and reboots. Now I'm seriously contemplating switching to the sexy new 17-inch iMac. What will the consequences be insofar as my ability to synchronize with the Empeg?
I have heard of jEmplode, but haven't actually used it. A lot of "alternate version" apps have limitations that their Windows counterparts don't have; in other words, the feature set is seldom a 1:1 comparison. What gotchas do I need to know about as far as jEmplode is concerned versus the Windows Emplode? Trade-offs and other issues are of special interest to me. Would I be able to use Virtual PC to run the Windows Emplode software? Not sure if Virtual PC would enable software-to-USB communication.
What about ripping? Are there any EAC-quality rippers for the Mac? Capability to use LAME with iTunes?
Although a bit off-topic, I wouldn't mind hearing (perhaps offline by email) from anyone else who's made the transition. I think a computer should be an appliance that you just plug it and forget, like a fridge. There's no rebooting a fridge or toaster every week. Time to make the switch to something that just works. Wish me luck. :-)
Grant Eaton