Parking wouldn't bother you, I live in little ol' England with its little roads and I've never had a problem parking a 23ft. motorhome in any town yet.On the contrary... parking
would bother me. The parking space I get with my apartment is only a couple feet wider than my truck, and is just barely long enough for the truck to fit into. As it is, I have to let passengers out before I pull into my space. If I parked in the exact center of my space, we'd be stuck in the truck forever, unable to open the doors wide enough to get out.

At work, half the spaces in the lot are for compact cars, which, given a liberal dose of vaseline and a good amount of forward/back/forward/back straightening, I can just barely squeeze into. The other half of our parking spaces are barely a foot wider.
If I lived out in a slightly less urban area than Los Angeles, then no, parking probably wouldn't bother me too much.