Okay, I'll give you that. I actually somewhat enjoyed the song My Own Prison. It was pretty good without shoving the religion down your throat.
But these days, I hear Creed, Nickleback, The Calling, and my least favorite, Staind, and I hear absolutely no difference. The singer from the Calling might be the one that to me sounds the most like everyone else. Like I said, it seems like they're all trying to sing like Eddie Vedder,
attempting to pull off weak harmonies like AIC, and failing at both. That and the lead singer from Staind is the most boring showman I've ever seen on stage.
I had to sit through horrible bands on the Family Values Tour just to see Stone Temple Pilots. What's his name? Aaron Lewis? He just walked slowly back andforth the entire time, "singing" without much effort, and generally incredibly boring. Of course everyone loved it because they were there to see them. I can't imagine what all those people thought about Scott Weiland with all of his gyrations and jumping around on monitors and stuff. Hell, at the end he stripped bare-ass naked and dressed himself in the American flag. I wonder what the goths though of it
Anyway, sorry to rant, but this happens to be one area I'm a bit over-opinionated in

Sorry to vent here
The Strokes album I'd have to say is a bit overproduced (I don't always like what they did with the vocals, and the drums are pretty crappy sometimes), but I still like the music.
DeadFire, I sugest you get a live recording of them sometime. I find that I like the live recordings waaaay better. Their performance on Saturday Night Live for example, was really clean and great.
Believe me, I'm not one for new stuff. Pretty much everythign I listen to could be classified as "grunge" and it's immediate offspring. The only bands I listen to regularly that are still playing are Queens..., Tuatara, Mark Lanegan, and Our Lady Peace. Of course, OLP isn't exactly grunge, but they're an exception. Frankly, I want a tuner just to have one. Plus I can get traffic reports and when I'm in the DC area I can listen to Don & Mike. I hate commercial radio in general. If I listen to rock radio, it's DC101 which today actually played "All Along the Watchtower" which gained them a little more respect from me