Okay, sorry to bring up the Dreamweaver stuff again, but I've run into something puzzling and I've never been sure how to solve it.
It has to do with various horizontal alignments in a table cell. Say I have a cell. In that cell I want to have an image at the top, followed by several paragraphs of text. I want the image centered and the text aligned to the left.
So what I did was this. I figured I might have a bunch of other things that I might want centered in that cell as well, so I just put code in the cell tag that the alignment was centered. So okay, this centers everything, as I expect. Then to make the text aligned to the left, I put span tags around the text and put a style element in it for text-align. This is successful and aligns all the text to the left side of the cell. So I have everything how I want it, right?
Well, just to check I open the file up in IE and all the text is centered. Dreamweaver shows that it's aligned to the left, IE says it's centered.
How do I do what I'm trying to do??
Here's the code I used:
<span style="text-align: left"></span>
Also, tell me if I'm wrong, but is this how I call up an external style sheet??
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="mystyle.css" />