Here I am, hundreds of miles away from a machine with which I can try out the new Emplode. Does anyone want to fill me in on what the "technology preview" contains?

There is a mention of a "Discovery Dialog". What is this? Does it have anything to do with performing searches on the Empeg's database?

Also, I was just peeking at the 12a release notes: Hey, Mike, good call on adding "New Playlist" to the context menu. I inevitably try the context menu first for that function, and then remember it's not there. Now it will be (once I get back home).

Gotta tell ya, though... Rjlov's volume adjustment kernel is doing really well on these long trips I'm taking. I'm quite happy with it and I'm really hoping you Empeg guys get a chance to take a look at it. I'm going to love having a 12b version when Rjlov gets around to it, so I can get my custom logo back in there- have my cake and eat it, too, so to speak.

Why does all the good stuff always happen when you're off on vacation?

Tony Fabris
Tony Fabris