For those that are concerned about the stereo separation on early Mk 2 players (Rio-branded players are not affected), you can identify if you have the fault by visual inspection.

Open up the player and remove the drive tray (follow the guide in the drive upgrade article at if you haven't done this before).

On the left of the mainboard is the DSP (it has a Philips logo on it). To the left of that is a small blue resistor pack. You want the resistor next to that, shown in the blurry picture below (finally the camera in my phone is useful for something!).

If it has '000' printed on it, you're ok. If it has '1000' or '100' printed on it, then you are affected and have the following options:

1. If you're competent with a soldering iron (that is, you've worked with SMT components before), remove the resistor and either bridge it over with solder or fit an 000 resistor.

2. Send the player in for repair. All affected players are out long since out of warranty, but I will carry out the repair free of charge, provided you pay for shipping.

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