Oh my goodness. You've never had any variety of Yuengling on tap. You poor, poor soul.
Let's just say that Yuengling Lager is the official currency of State College, PA, where I spent 5 wonderful years as a student at Penn State. Which, by the way, just beat the pants off Nebraska this weekend, not that I'm gloating or anything... But you can't go to a bar there and not find Lager on tap, and most will have Black and Tan and/or Porter as well. I had a keg of lager on tap at my house for most of my 5 years at school, and I never get sick of it. Might have gotten sick *from* it once or twice, but that was due to overconsumption, and usually not from just beer alone.
Yeah, Yuengling has definitely taken off in recent years, though my buddy who's transplanted from Pittsburgh to Phoenix regularly has to drag a few cases back with him since he can't find it down there. I would do the same thing, but fortunately, I'm in Philly now, and it's quite easy to find.