Damn, I just end up in the best threads on here. Makes me wonder what I've been missing in the past few months.

Just taking some time to browse and for who knows what reason decided to read this thread. Now it turns into a discussion on the 1994 which I've been using for a couple of years. I originally bought four of them. 1 for myself, one for my brother, one for a friend and one for my parents. I was out a month ago looking for more of them and found nothing. My brother recently replaced his with an RCA model with an LCD featuring a nice enough button layout. Similar to the 1994 in programmability. It also has a 6 pin header in the battery compartment, but just pads, no pins.

I originally bought these remotes for $30 Canadian each. When I first bought mine, I thought only the four s buttons were custom and everything else had to be built-in. Imagine my surprise when I decided to try programming the other buttons. Wooowee! I had no idea.

And now I learn that there's been this whole movement of people programming these things with a parallel interface? Damn! That would have saved me a lot of time. A lot.

Never too late to start playing with an old toy I guess.

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