I want to fix all the ID3 tags on my empeg to reflect the changes I have done in emplode after uploading. I thought I saw at some point that jemplode would do this while downloading but alas...

So I thouhgt I would use the filemname and then put the lot through tag and rename to remove all v1 tags and update the v2s according to filename.

I used:

{track #}__{title}__{artist}__{source}__{year}__{genre}__{comment}.mp3

in the options screen for "Filename Format" but the track nos. don't come in. I tried {track#} and {track} too but nothing.

Any ideas or is there a better way to do what I want, keeping my music intact?
MK2 smoked 32Gb S/n 090000949 MK2a Blue 20GB racked and out of sync