I still maintain that you are missing the fact that NO artist is going to create their own album that has 1000 songs on it. Just think of the recording careers of ANY artist. NONE have recorded 1000 songs. Probably not even Madonna.

You're still missing the point. Artists don't create albums, record companies do. And record companies have access to ALL their musicians music and that's certainly more than 1000 songs. "Just think of the recording careers of " ALL ARTISTS in a recording company.

I'm gonna go out on a limb here, but I'm willing to bet that you aren't that percentage of people who use Napster and still bought the CDs, are you? I am, and I never even used Napster.

I'm not sure what your analogy refers to, I've never used Napster ever. I don't have a computer at home, and am firewalled. Sorry bud, but an argument stating that it would be great to pay only for songs you like is not related to Napster. I've never used Napster but I suspect Napster is mostly used for music piracy and doesn't have a system in which you pay for items am I correct?

I think artists DO want to be heard and want to be paid. Is this jaded? Nope, it is reality! Find me an popular, respected artist that DOES NOT want to be heard and doesn't want to be paid. >:)

Ok, see if you can tell me the difference between these two scenarios:

Log onto the Internet, browse through a record company listing and pay for 4 songs by your favorite musician, then wait 4 hours to download the songs, then listen to them?

Contrast that to browsing through the Internet, looking at a record company listing, and then purchasing 4 songs by an artist and listening to the music right away?

What would you prefer? In both cases you can get the song lyrics online, the album cover online, all of that?
