Hmm. It seems I'm not too good with this hardware stuff

I cut an old serial cable in half and used a multimeter to figure out which pin goes to which wire (pin numbers were printed on the cable). Then according to that diagram I soldered the wire connected to pin 5 of the serial cable to pin 10 of the streetfinder, pin 2 of the cable to pin 5 of the streetfinder, and pin 3 of the cable to pin 3 of the streetfinder. Is that all I need to solder and are those the correct pins? I thought that pin 1 of the streetfinder was the leftmost pin if you are holding it with the antenna pointed up and pins facing you, is this correct? I haven't actually loaded gpsapp to test this on my empeg, I have just been trying to get it to spit out something to my pc in hyperterminal with the settings 4800-8-n-1-no flow control. Is this a good way to test it? There are so many things I could have done wrong, what do you think it is? Thanks for your help.