I've said it before, and Ill say it again.. Sonic Blue really screwed up. They shoulda let the boys tweak the product into the "Mark 3" or whatever, and release it as a $999 fully-consumerized product.

EVERYtime I show this to anyone, be they computer geek (Ohhh neat, how much does it hold?) or car stereo punk (WOW, where can I get one NOW!) or even soccer mom (Do you have any James Tayor on there?) theyt want to know where they can get one. Without a doubt this could STILL be a top seller. Hell, if SB would pursue some OEM deal with a car maker, or even license some mid-fi car audio company to make it I STILL think it would be a success.. IF they got off their ass and advertised it. The public just doesnt know that these products even exist. Once you show them how much easier it is than messing with CDs, and how really easy it is to work it, they are hooked.

Eh, whatever... I got mine thats all I really care about. <Steps off Soapbox>

Empeg Mk2a 60G