
I have a somewhat similar, somewhat different story. I first heard of the Rio Car *during* the firesale, and was lucky enough to pick up two for myself. They sat on the shelf for quite awhile until last week, when I had a stereo shop install it in my '95 BMW M3.

I have to say that this is by far one of the coolest toys I've purchased. Every one of my friends has been awed by it, and most want to know where they can get one. Again, they are dismayed when they find out that it is NLA. What's interesting is, my friends range from hardcore computer geeks to total tech-illiterates, and all of them want one. The problem with the Rio is definitely that, quite simply, nobody knew about them. I only stumbled upon them while searching SonicBlue's site for a home MP3 receiver.

My friends and I did a lot of travelling this past weekend, a grand total of about 600 miles over three days to go see some sights. I am proud to say, the Rio Car was the star of our trip. Imagine my joy when someone asked if I had any Weird Al Yankovic, and I was able to bring up EVERY album of his so we could pick through them and relive our childhood. Fantastic.

For those looking for other great travel ideas, I suggest you assemble a collection of comedy MP3s from the likes of George Carlin, Bill Cosby, Adam Sandler, and the like. It's a great way to pass the fun with lots of laughter.

- Chris

1995 BMW M3 - 250GB RioCar