Next comment: Told to turn left when I should have been going straight.

Tonight I was told to turn left onto a road that I was already on. I was on ridge road, and then I reached a straight 4-way intersection (basically shaped like a "+" sign, the roads crossed at almost right-angles) where I should have proceeded straight across the intersection. GPSapp told me to turn left onto Ridge road.

At worst it was a slight (and I mean very slight) bear left onto Ridge Road. But from the driver's seat it looked like a straight shot.

I think the problem is that MapsOnUs inserted a waypoint there. But the raw data didn't indicate the cross-street information so GPSapp had no choice but to interpret it as a turn. I think my beef is that it told me to "turn left" when it really wasn't a turn at all.

I don't know how to fix this situation exactly. If you want the raw data of that particular route, I can email you my route file.

121872-ridge.gif (187 downloads)

Tony Fabris