Scrod I'll answer myself: A young cod or monkfish served in strips, from the Middle Dutch schrode.
IIRC, scrod in New England was whatever kind of fish got in the net that day then made it to the deep fryer. Excluding the types of fish that bring big $$$ like bluefin tuna, etc. of course.
I'd request that he wash the fork before sending it to me, if I were to ever have enough disposable income and lack of common sense to bid in this auction. And what's with blacking out the address on the restaurant? It's not online anywhere or listed at Something smells fishy and it ain't the alleged meal the alleged Mr. Beck allegedly ate with the same fork for all courses except the oysters. I hope he auctions the oyster fork, I need one...
Dave Clark
Georgetown, Texas
MK2A 42Gb - AnoFace - Smoke Lens - Dead Tuner - Sirius Radio on AUX