Usenet was good for files with this one reader that I had for like a week once and could never ever ever find again ever. Since that news reader is in bit heaven, Google Groups is my first and last stop for all technical questions I have on any and all subjects. And yeah, I hop on there with Netscape News thingey and answer questions when I can.

The centralization that Google Groups and Deja provided really made Usenet a great resource. Too bad it's not easy to use, better administered, and more free of spam. Alas, spam kills all.

And what IS the deal with spam anyway? Nobody can possibly imagine to make any money by creating spam. Spammers must simply be out to ruin the internet. But, so I'm told, there ARE users out there who are dumb enough to try and punch the monkey or buy Viagra from [email protected].
110gig MKIIa (30+80), Eutronix lights, 32 meg stacked RAM, Filener orange gel lens, Greenlights Lit Buttons green set