So... I'm wondering, been reading alot about different solutions to mapping on here. I used to play around with PPC maps via streets and trips 2002. You could export small maps with pins marking your turns or areas of interest (maps exported for PPC are tiny but show restaraunts, rest stops just about everything)... and it actually had some really nice street level information... it'll let you export routes to html (however no raw data) just a pretty little maps and turns, but at 20/30 bucks it's pretty much a bargain. I'm no programmer and really have no clue as to whats needed in order to work right... but does anyone know how an app like pocket streets handles maps? and would there be any way to use that data and/or files for this? Also I remember seeing a few apps for PPC that used bitmaps or gif files (can't really remember how those worked) but I think it asked for a few nav inputs and charted you that way.
just thinking outloud....
60Gb MK2a with Led's