Yeah, I played that for like 5 minutes before realising that it was a NES Manic Mansion rip off. Manic Mansion was still a friggin great (hard) game. Then, there was "Day of the Tenticle". THAT was some game. Too bad it was so hard. Switching players throughout history WAS a cool concept though.

Then there was this OLD SCHOOL Apple IIgs game that seemed like Hugo's House of Horrors. I'm pulling back like 15 years in my memory for this game.... It was not an adventure game, it was a platform kinda game. Taken one screen at a time. But it sure looked like some of the scenes from Hugo. Weird...

Oh, and on SUPER old game references, pulling back in my memory like to 1987 when I first got my Tandy 3000HL, I remember reading in a catalog about this game called "If It Moves, Shoot It." It looked so cool and with a title like that, who could pass it up. Has anyone ever ever ever even heard of that game?
110gig MKIIa (30+80), Eutronix lights, 32 meg stacked RAM, Filener orange gel lens, Greenlights Lit Buttons green set