The worst part is that they are experimenting on people, yes a clone really would be a person, not an IT
No, the worst part is that they're FRENCH! And not only that, but expatriate Frenchmen living in CANADA! What could possibly be worse than FRENCH CANADIANS cloning themselves!!! (Says he who is himself 1/2 French Canadian.)
Anyway, you couldn't have picked two more ridiculous characters to reveal this announcement than the founder of the Raelian cult and this alleged scientist who broke the news today. Even if these people had actually done anything remotely related to cloning, nobody could possibly believe them because they are come off as such dopes. Couldn't they have hired someone with any kind of plausability about them to deliver such a far-fetched announcement?
Oh well, in a week or two we'll find out that it's a big hoax, and clearly both the "religious right" and the scientific community are angry at this group for their own reasons... But for now, it's just funny to watch these idiots milk their 15 minutes of fame.