Is it not true that the rising number of SUV's and trucks creates a higher demand for gasoline, which forces prices up for every driver? I also love how my neighbor on one side thinks her kids are safer now if they get in an accident in their Expedition, but another neighbor is concerned that if her Elantra gets in a wreck with one she is now less safe.
I don't hate SUV's. I just hate people who own one with no need to own one. They don't haul car parts or lumber for home projects. They don't go off road. They don't have a family of 5 or more. They just drive to work and the grocery store, and think they look cool doing it. And put those obnoxiously loud mufferless straight pipes on it to announce themselves.
I know my Eclipse doesn't get the best milage either, especially how I drive it. And I go home to a 3 bedroom house that only I live in, which I keep at 75 degrees all winter (in Minnesota) so I don't get cold. And while I don't hunt since I don't like killing animals, I do enjoy the occasional burger

just to let you know how seriously I take the whole thing.