We don't need another new law
Less laws - less confusion - less opportunities for fat cat legal people to acquire big fees for discussing precedents, I couldn't agree with you more - and, running my own business, I have to deal all the time with daft new namby pamby legislation.
Talking on mobiles in cars is a pet hate of mine, the number of times I've had to take avoiding action for someone consequently not concentrating is legion.
The trouble, as I see it though, and, I've overheard and been part of numerous such conversations, is that unless you have a specific clear cut law banning the practice, people think it's just part of the highway code and they are unlucky if they get caught, and even more, prosecuted - any more than parking on the brow of a hill, or many of the other things that you find if you read through.
So, for that reason alone, on this occasion alone, I would like to see a specific clearcut law.
Edited by boxer (21/01/2003 11:49)
Politics and Ideology: Not my bag