I live on the east coast, and every Honda I've ever known personally has been a great car. I had friends in high school who were driving the traditional hand-me-down Accords from the 80's, and none of them had any real problems. My girlfriend's family just replaced their '88 Accord with a 2003 Accord. I say that if a car reaches 10 years old, certainly 15 years old, it's shown its reliability.

Honestly though, I don't see many Accords on the roads either. But think about it. Overall, they're pretty "normal" looking cars. They don't exactly stand out. How often do you drive around affirmatively looking for Accords? No, you notice the Hummers and the TTs and the other flashier cars. I bet you'd see more Accords than you think if you really looked for them.

Just based on personal experience, even if my Odyssey "flip over and burst into flames," I'd cherish those 6 years I had it. Then I'd take advantage of the 7 year warranty we got