Here's the lyrics file ;-) It will certainly not make a great sense with your own mp3, but you should see it scroll

Open the attached file and copy all the content in the clipboard

Just be sure you set lyrics 1.22 (editor) to save into the mp3 and not anywhere else... (Winamp Options Preferences Plugins General Purpose Lyrics 1.22 Preferred lyrics format: Lyrics3.2) See picture 1

Return to winamp, press CTRL-Y to make the lyrics window popup, press CTRL-L to enter edit mode, press CTRL-V to paste clipboard into edit window and the press CTRL-T to save (these are all shortcuts of the "wrench menu" on the lyrics window)... If you want to see if timstamps are ok, you press the buttons at the bottom of the lyrics window (Press CTRL-Y to make it appear/dissapear) so all little dots on them are green (see picture 2)
If you play that song in winamp now, the lyrics should be "selected" as the song progress...

To timestamp a song, Paste the lyrics in the window, but don't save yet... Press CTRL-D to enter timestamp mode (CTRL-D again if you want to exit and return to edit mode) Play the song and click on the line when the singer begin to sing it. If there's a blank line, click on it when the singer ends the previous line... Then CTRL-T to save

Then upload via emplode and it should work...

For anyone concerned with corruption and lyrics.......

Maybe saving lyrics in a completely separate file would be a good alternative: If Jemplode or any third party program would offer an menu or button to "attach" lyrics to a selected song, then opened a browse window. We would select the .lrc file on our computer we want to send to empeg. The process would rename the file to FID.lrc corresponding to the FID of the mp3. Lyrics viewer would just have to look for the corresponding .lrc file. These files could live up on the music partitions... Good idea?????


136753-lyrics (187 downloads)
