I Think it's kinda funny people who bought a product that holds countless hours of music want to listen to the radio so bad

I bought the thing because:

a) I'm so lazy about changing CDs that I listened to approximately 3% of my CDs.
b) I spent more time listening to music in vehicles that I do at home, and I hated rummaging about to find the appropriate CDs for a trip.

As a result:

a) I listen to *everything* I own, now.
b) My interest in music has gone from "I don't care if it's on" to "first thing I do when I get home is turn on the empeg".
c) My music tastes are expanding.
d) My original collection couldn't fill the hard drive, so I enjoy listening to new music that I might want to add to the empeg some day.
e) KCRW is a damn fine radio station (except when they're doing "Which way LA"), and has played a lot of stuff that I've never heard, but really like.
f) I listen to music at home more often than I listen to music in the car.

And all that without ever having installed the thing. It's been sitting on my desk for about a year now. One of these days, I'll get the motivation to install it. Probably some time after I get the tuner kit.

Does that explain things a bit better?

Oh, and just because it holds countless hours, doesn't mean that I have countless hours to put on it. Unlike some other members of this board that I might mention.