Thanks for the recipe. I'm not really sure what you mean by the butterscotch nuts. I wasn't aware they were a nut... It'll be a while before I'll be able to make them, but I definately plan to.

In the meantime, the recipe is perfect for the database I'm trying to create. I have a barebones database worked out. Now, I'm trying to create a web tool to view the data. After that, it shouldn't be too hard to create a web tool to enter the data. Perhaps I'll also try to come up with a parsing tool to figure out any random recipe.

Once I get things working decently, I'll start collecting the recipes from everybody I know that is a good cook. The TV in my parents' house is already set up to modulate the signal from one of my server computers to channel 59 on all the TVs in the house, and I've set up an IR transmission system for the entire house. Once I get the server accepting IR signals (which I've already bought the parts for), I'll be able to display and control everything on the TV right there in the kitchen. The challenge is going to be in making the thing easy to control with a simple remote. If I can do it right, it may even be possible to make notes right there, such as "too much seasoning" or 8/10, so we remember next time which are good recipes. I eventually plan to set it up where it'll be possible to search by almost any criteria (ingredients, number served, thanksgiving recipes, Italian food, etc.)
