The first sector of each stored running-order (i.e. sector 0 for the current running order and sectors 512, 1024, and 1536 for the three bookmarks) contains a header structure that includes, among other things, the sizes of the programme and running order, the repeat mode, and the FID of the playlist used to form the current running order (or 0 if it's "custom" i.e. was made from search results or if inserts or appends were done to it).
I don't suppose that header structure is in a .h file somewhere like the other dynamic data stuff is? (Just so you know, I really do plan on using this stuff, I'm not just asking out of idle curiosity.) I can possibly reverse-engineer portions of it, but if it was in emptool somewhere or you had it handy, that'd be of great help to what I'm doing.
The usual caveat applies: that all this will pass, like rain on the mountain, like a wind in the meadow, after 2.0final comes out.
That's fine, I'll be happy to bug you again for the new format when that happens.

Semantic question, though... Does "after 2.0 final comes out" mean that 2.0 final will have a different format, or that the future releases beyond 2.0 will have a different format?