Argh not getting mad at anyone here or at empeg ltd, you got me wrong there ... its the laws & lawyers that get my full attention when it gets to getting angry :-)
And in no way, i wanted to say that the people living under such laws are worse drivers then others, they may become worse drivers in some generations, because of thos politics, but i saw some pretty bad driving here too, trust me ...
( And driving in the US is like riding a sheep, compared too many heart-stopping traffic situations in Europe and Japan, yes i do travel a lot too ... )
And i agree on you stating that there are a lot of idiots out there ( anyone made a fool of himself on numerous occasions, including as a car driver, or is it just me ?? :-) )
But there are 3 ways of dealing with mistakes:
-1- ignore -> not very smart, but saves you lots of trouble.
-2- inverse evolution: reducing overall efficiency with protecting idiots and limiting all persons in many ways.
This GROWS idiots for the next generations, just wait, now they don't know anymore that coffee should be hot, tommorrow they don't know how to breathe ...
-3- educate people, so less mistakes occur in all life situation, difficult, expensive, time consuming, SO LETS DO IT
P.S. sorry if i cannot bring across my point too clear, wrong language :-)