True, true. But technically, the faster traffic is not going a legal speed. 100 cars don't pass at the same time. In a perfect world, where we treated everyone with kindness and more importantly didn't mind going slowly, boring as it is, we would all go 55 in all lanes. But that is stupid as well.

But I had forgotten about that slower traffic keep right law. Good thing they put that in there, too, because people could get hurt not doing that.

In fact, on the news last year there was a story about an old woman who got a ticket for going 35 on interstate 495. She was in the right lane, but it's still illegal, and I'm suprised she was on that highway for any time at all without being run off. What pissed me off most was that all the newscasters were sympathetic towards the woman. Are you kidding? I wanted to give that cop a medal!
