In reply to:

I find that hard to agree with, in the last 24 hours, around 30 people have posted, the person with the least posts was around 120, the predominance about the 250 mark (yours), and many had a great deal more: That doesn't speak of passing interest.

Well, there are over 2000 people on the BBS. So we get about 1.5% of the subscribers - those who have gone to the trouble to register a name presumably to post something to the BBS - who do so on a regular basis, if your statistic can be generalised. It sounds to me, from the tone of the original post, that among these 30 'regular posters' there are still fewer who have actually filled out their profile.

I do believe that this percentage is pretty much similar wherever you go amongst forums on the internet. There are the hard-core fans, the casually interested, and the passers-by. The former usually only make 1% to 5% of the numbers of the total. This is probably a good thing, because given the amount of rubbish out there on most [u]other[/u] chat forums, I'd hate to see any more of it.

"56k dialup sucks. 56k rules. Leeches suck. I hate people that kick me off for leeching stuff. X-box rules. X-box sucks. LAME is lame. Sluggy Freelance rules. Collecting your toenail clippings and keeping them in specially marked matchboxes is the only true hobby in the world. People with more than one email address are frears of natuke."

Yadda yadda yadda.

Owner of Mark I empeg 00061, now better than ever - (Thanks, Rod!) - and Karma 3930000004550