you write: "...sounds very much like a glitch in the permanent 12v line when the accessory input is also low."
This thought does not jibe with my relay solution. I did not change the permanent 12V input line, just the switched line. It also doesn't match with Mike & my observations about proper operation when power is manualy removed from the switched 12V line (ie it works properly).
You say that the power is at either 0 or 1 (0 or 12 V). In reality the shutoff is never going to be a nice square wave. (Not knowing how you have things set up on the inside...) Could it be that depending on when the voltage level is sampled it may not be this simple and this is misinterpreted by software as a powerfail? It just seems that the behavior of the empeg is affected the quality/shape of the 12V to 0 step down. Or, perhaps the strange step down pulls the ground level of the empeg up briefly so that the empeg thinks it's getting less than 12V from the unswitched main? I don't know how things are laid out in there and I'm just spitballing possibilities.
just say you weren't paying much attention...