I think all the kvetching that's done about grammar and spelling is unnecessary, and borders on elitism. Some people who come to the board don't even speak English as their native language. Even when that's not the case, there are others who are simply bad spellers, or do not exhibit perfect grammar. I'd personally rather have their comments here, bad spelling and all, than have them leave because they feel slighted by people who are correcting them constantly.

It's not like you don't get the message when someone misspells a word or uses poor grammar, and if it's so horribly unreadable, then you can just skip to the next message. Correcting someone here isn't going to suddenly make their spelling/grammar any better, and just adds to the noise of the BBS. I myself have sometimes found some of the grammatical mistakes funny, but there are far too many times where we're picking on people for tiny spelling/grammar mistakes, and it just gets old.

Maybe I'm just in a bad mood today, but do we REALLY need people to run a spell checker for BBS posts?
- Tony C
my empeg stuff