devils advocate
one part spawn of Satan,
three parts egg nog...
September 11th hit real close to home for me. I was only 20 miles away from the pentagon when all the [censored] hit the fan, the guy has had 12 frickin years to get his [censored] together
Which guy? The guy behind the September 11th attacks, or the guy in Iraq? Invading sovereign country X because a citizen of country Y is suspected of organising a terrorist attack doesn't sound to me like a good way of causing lasting peace for anyone concerned, and if you believe that Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden must be co-conspirators just because both of them
independently happening to hate the United States would be too much of a coincidence, you need to get out more

Why is the US the badguy in this scenario?
Because they are contemplating starting a war even if they do not receive UN Security Council approval. The whole reason for the existence of the UN is to try and prevent nations starting wars without what might be called "the approval of humankind". Humankind, of course, is a pretty wishy-washy notion -- but currently the nearest thing to a planetary democracy we have, is the security council of the United Nations. When President Bush says that whether the UN approve his war or not is "their last chance for relevance", it's pretty clear he's not concerned about being regarded as the global badguy.
Are we supposed to sit here and let another bunch of dicks kill us?
Do you believe that using military force to install a puppet government in Iraq will
reduce the number of dicks wanting to kill you?