This is a very interesting perspective... It's a little hard for me to read through some of the editorial-cartoon-style barbs and quips, but let me try to translate a little, and you can feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.

1) The EU, with the exception of the UK, seems to be coming together, both economically and idealogically.
2) The US hasn't been trading freely with the EU, or has been imposing some kind of tariffs.
3) There is resentment amongst EU members towards the UK, apparently due to the fact that the UK wants to do their own thing.
4) The EU is on the virge of establishing itself as a new superpower, and no longer feels the need to follow the US's lead.
5) The lack of a single, common enemy (the Soviet Union) has caused a situation where the US needs a "foil" of sorts, and the EU might be settling into that role.

If any or all of the above are true (and who am I to argue) it certainly does create an interesting scenario. Some questions immediately come to my mind...

1) Why does there seem to be so much resentment towards the US right now from the EU? I am sure all of the economic stuff you're talking about (tariffs and such) was well-covered in the news, I just don't follow economic news very closely. Is it solely a result of the economic issues (along with Bush's recent foreign policy blunders) that has caused this? Or was this building up during the Reagan, Bush the First, and Clinton years as well?

2) Has there ever been any extended period of time where there were *three* distinct superpowers in world politics? It seems to me that, while a myriad of parties might exist early on, eventually, each party settles into one camp or another, resulting in two distinct sides. This seems to be what happened during both World Wars, the Cold War, etc. I'm obviously leaving out those who stayed on the sidelines during these times. My point is that you're kind of painting a scenario where the world divides into three camps, and I'm wondering if you anticipate this going on for a long time. I personally have always seen the EU members as friends of the US, and would hope that whatever wounds Bush is opening right now can be repaired.

Maybe I'm just naive.
- Tony C
my empeg stuff