Mark, we all really appreciate everything you've done - and that's not just for the Empeg, either.

(My company moved all their Dialer systems from SCO Unix to Linux because of the advantages, and because of that move, I've started learning C, I've actually *made* a core producrt FOR our Dialers that USE C... I don't need to go on.)
On TOP of that, you're doing Tuner Kits (last I heard, anyways..), LED conversion solderings (assuming people get the buttons..), and on top of that, keeping Hijack up to date, *AND*, the Docking stations! (FTR, I want to know when you have time to eat and sleep?!)
I'm NOT an expert at anything Linux (Databases, on the other hand..) but I was able to learn how to apply patches, compile programs, and do all the fun stuff<tm> by trial and error.. I think all the 'easy use' of Windows and such has made the 'average intelligence level' of the computer user lower. (Whatever happened to Bang paths? UUCP E-mail and News? Command Prompt?! For kicks, my PC at work runs Windows, but it boots up with a Commodore C=64 boot up screen, with a "LOAD 'WINDOWSXP',8,1" on it. That gets more laughs than anything..)
I, on the other hand, have yet to add anything to the Empeg community. Hopefully that will change a little bit when I get the PCVB made for the Serial->TTL done. (However, in the meantime, if anyone needs a Database designed, created, updated, maintained, or, a
road sign, ask!)
In either case, again, I'm pretty sure everyone here appreciates what you've done. I never knew you were /that/ involved with the linux kernel and such - now I feel like a doltz for the few e-mails I've sent you. (But, I hope that $50 made up for it.) :>
Anyways, keep up the good work, man!