Whenever possible, though, I place the steri-strip lengthwise along the cut, rather than just using it crossways to tack it shut. Seals it very well, and with a band-aid on top (crosswise) lasts several days usually.

(I just knew the day would come! A ML technique critique opportunity!!)

This may work on a small cut, but it is not how they are meant to work. Steri-strips (with the embedded longitudinal threads that make 'em look like packing tape) are only really rigid along their length (take one and try the experiment: stretch along length? hard. stretch along width? easy.) If the cut is of any significance, lay as many strips perpendicular to the cut as is practical, working from middle out, avoid over-tension, but use as much of the strip as practical to maximize holding power and stabilization.

'Tis the exceptional fellow who lies awake at night thinking of his successes.