of course, the greatest musical accomplishment known to man (neck and neck with stairway)Hells yeah!

It really ticked me off when VH1 put "respect" ahead of it in the 100 greatest rock songs.
By the way, tanstaafl,
do you have any modern classical on there? I'd hate to think that Cage and Shoenberg are darkening the doorstep of your empeg. I can appreciate some of their musical risks (if you call it music), but I can't stand that stuff. Awful to the ears.
I'm putting some classical on mine as well.
I also
have to take this chance to again reccomend the album "Ruby Vroom" by Soul Coughing. It has one of the crispest productions of any CD I own, and the bass is absolutely unbelieveable. Just listen to "Sugar Free Jazz" and you'll hear what starts out nice and quiet, then really grooves with a heavy bass line. It's also all acoustic bass, the best kind in my opinion. Definitely pick up the CD. It's like a mix of jazz and...something.