To anyone responding to this thread:
Let's assume, hypothetically

, that the Cambridge guys were going to have a pizza night to work on a select few remaining bugs before 2.0 goes final...
Knowing that they have a limited time to work on it (i.e., not any time to try to try to track down intermittent hard-to-reproduce bugs), what are the top ones on your list? I'm guessing that they aren't going to have time to fix everything, just the biggest remaining show-stoppers. And I mean: "this is definitely a bug, it's not a feature change, it is easy to reproduce, and I haven't seen it reported as being fixed in the current internal build yet."
Here is an example of the kind of bug I'm talking about:
"If you press the search button more than once in Tuner mode, it will lock up the player software". (That's a real one that's on the internal bug list.)
That's the sort of thing they'd be able to work on during this hypothetical pizza-and-bugfix session.