Well, Bonzi, that "import tax" and categorisation of import goods are just leftovers from our old Balkan country. One thing that you could have done is to get the Empeg installed outside Croatia, and keep quiet on the border. Do you really think that average customs officer would notice what you have in the dashboard ?
Darko, virtually all countries have import duties on some goods. Also, most have some form of sales tax, VAT or something like that. But, my point was not that; what i wanted to stress out is that if RIAA lawyers ask the court to find that empeg is an audio device, not a computer or storage device, the court would probably do just that.
BTW, I considered going to Cambridge to pick up my empeg and have it installed by Dominic and his crew, have a beer with guys@empeg and generally enjoy myself. I would have to pay their VAT (17%) in that case, but fun factor and guaranteed competent installation would more than compensate for that. However, I could not spare enough time for that.
On the other hand, why not to have that functionality, if we can have it. Also, if it is a though job for Empeg Ltd. to do it because of legal reasons, why don't they leave a clue for third party developers to do it ? It is only a matter of time that somebody will do it. I'll definatly try if I can get some timeout of my regular work...
The whole point is that empeg cannot afford to risk and make it empeg standard feature. Every Unix half-literate will manage to install ftp server on empeg. Heck, it is even enough to put ther ftp client, connect via serial, and copy the stuff (probably after making reasonably-named symlinks). I was just asking people to stop pestering guys@empeg to risk their company by making it part of 'official' funcionality.
I translated the saying. In original it is 'Lako je tudjim po koprivama mlatiti' (ili 'gloginje otresati' ili neka druga od mnogih verzija).
BTW, what's your regular work?
Dragi "Bonzi" Raos
Zagreb, Croatia
Q#5196, MkII#80000376, 18GB green
Dragi "Bonzi" Raos
MkII #080000376, 18GB green
MkIIa #040103247, 60GB blue