Any advice on how to make an old, obsolete 16-bit program work reliably in Win2K?
Tip: don't try to install Win98 without any research. Trust me
I don't think you'll get very far with that. I think Win2K has
some of that "compatibility" stuff that XP does (you can chose to run a program with DOS, Win3.11, Win98, etc compatibility), but I'm not sure. I think I tried it once and it didn't do much.
As for the other issues, I don't have those problems at all. My numlock always defaults to ON. I also use IE so of course I don't have problems with lots of windows

Still, I don't think I would. My system is running smoothly for the most part (with the exception of some drive problems

), so even if I were using Netscape (which I never would), I don't think I'd have problems. What kind of machine is it after the upgrade?
Now, Win2K is different from what I'm used to, so it can't be any good
Hehe, true. I think I was swayed to try it purely due to the pretty fading menus