Okay, this is driving me insane. We read a
Wired Magazine article about cyberpunk by Paul Saffo. Me and my instructor (both of us non-native speakers) had different opinions about the semantics of a certain sentence. His arguments couldn't convince me of his version, neither could mine convince him... so I decided to ask someone who is more proficient at English than me. (Bitt and virtually everybody else on this board.

This movement in the making has yet to be described, much less named, but eerie parallels between the beatnik and cyberpunk movements offer strong hints of what is to come.
For starters, both movements were given focus by literary fiction. The beatniks took their cue from a handful of "beat writers" (Jack Kerouac, Alan Ginsberg, Gregory Corso, and William S. Burroughs), while cyberpunks found their identity in the cyberpunk science ction genre dened by writers such as William Gibson, Rudy Rucker, Bruce Sterling, and John Shirley.
(a) the movements previously had no focus and were then given focus (direction) by literary fiction
(b) literary fiction concentrated on (or gave attention to) the movements
(c) third opinion?