All right, then. I've been speaking with Chimaera trying to nail down some specifics and here's what we have:

12:00 on June 21st at the Oasis (if we can get a room).

Dave's going to check on availability at the Oasis, but I need a headcount, so I'm going put a poll in. Also, Chimaera was thinking some people might be interested in doing dinner as well as lunch so I figured I gauge the interest. My plan is for this to be a low hassle affair with a very loose itinerary (where we can plan a more developed meet next year). Still, it'd be best if we could reserve an accurate space, so here's the poll (I included options for two people in case you're bringing a better half):

Texas Meet Head Count
1 person, lunch only
2 people, lunch only
1 person, lunch & dinner
2 people, lunch & dinner

Rome did not create a great empire by having meetings; they did it by killing all those who opposed them.