Well, I've just installed Windows XP on an Asus A7V8X motherboard after a lot of pain. Basically the installation locked up at one point every time we tried it and nothing I could do with the machine changed that. I eventually got it working via the bizarre method of pulling the hard drive out of my current machine (a Gigabyte 7VRX) and installing XP on that, and then moving the hard disk back to the A7V8X. Surprisingly, it actually detected all the hardware and completed its installation with no problems. Naturally I took a ghost image of the entire thing once it was set up just in case I should ever have to install XP on that thing again.
Not that it isn't a very good board - SATA, Firewire, USB 2.0, RAID, Gigabit LAN and onboard sound. But that experience would make me wait to buy another one...
Owner of Mark I empeg 00061, now better than ever - (Thanks, Rod!) - and Karma 3930000004550