These aren't the only things I've tried though, oh no!
First I tried to get a SOCKS implementation I could run on solaris, but the da
mn website wouldn't let me download the
reference edition of SOCKS5, and the
Dante implementation looked (at the time) particularly nasty. (I think the FAQ must have been written in less than an hour.)
I finally settled on a sort of gateway / proxy program called
DeleGate, which it reasonably nice. After a good period of sacrifices and makfile massages, I got the beast running on my solaris machine. The
syntax is a little ridiculous, but I got it sucessfully proxying my http and ftp requests, which was pretty easy, as it has builtin support for those protocols. Even after playing with the tcprelay options fo a good while I was totally unable to get any sort of non-http/ftp traffic to work (I tried sftp and AIM).
With the debugging turned on on the proxy, it seemed that some of the initial AIM stuff gets sent, but I never get a reply from the service. So how something's not getting sent around right. AIM ends up failing around the same place that it does with the SSH trick, giving an error that it cannot contact the service.
Any more ideas? Is there a better way to do this? I don't really care as long as it works.
I think I need to take a good size break to clear my head.