tell me how long it takes for an linux skilled empeg newbie to change the config so he can leave the player software via menue ?
About 2 minutes.
1) Plug in the serial cable to the empeg and your PC.
2) Start up a communications proggy to access said serial cable
3) Press "q" to drop to shell.
4) type rwm, then rw to mount the partitions read-write.
5) cd /empeg/var
6) echo "[Menu]" >> config.ini
7) echo "Quit=1" >> config.ini
8) type rom, then ro, to mount the partitions read-only.
9) exit the shell and now you have a "quit" option on the main menu which will exit the player for you.
Not too difficult and with about 5 minutes worth of research you would have realized these directions were already posted on the forum elsewhere.