Present company excepted, Ynot.
I am by no means a drummer! At best, I'm a wannabe drummer.
Anyway, I have to disagree with the "fulll of themselves" comment. Lars is clearly full of himself, but if anything, drummers have an inferiority complex. They sit in the background, mostly obscured by their instrument, and are always last to get picked in the Groupie Lottery. The number of jokes about drummers being stupid and somehow less musical than other band members could fill an entire thread. I'll just cite two that come to mind immediately:
"How do you shut a drummer up?"
"Put sheet music in front of him."
"How do you know a drummer is at your door?"
"Because the knocking keeps getting louder and faster."
Of course, there's the drummer's retort to that second one:
"How do you know the lead singer is at your door?"
"Because he can't find the key, and doesn't know when to come in."
Anyway, if you look at 90% of popular rock bands, I can think of at least one other member of the band that is considered more arrogant than the drummer. Just a few examples:
The Beatles: Ringo? If anything, he's self-deprecating. McCartney had enough ego to spread around to the rest of the band. Lennon had his share as well.
The Rolling Stones: No contest there. Charlie Watts is like "the other member" of the Stones. Notable only for his incestual marriage and his lack of a hi-hat on beat 3.
Van Halen: Either of the first two lead singers alone had more ego than the rest of the band combined, including Alex.
Pink Floyd: With Gilmour and Waters around, Nick had no room at all to be full of himself.
Led Zeppelin: Bonham was a master, but I don't think he was any more full of himself than Plant or Page.
Really, can anyone else name any drummers who are more "full of themselves" than the average musician?